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Mark Twain wrote, “We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it and stop there lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove lid again and that is well but also she will never sit down on a cold one.”

I’m taking some time off from writing. Apologies to those of you who have come to look forward to the Wednesday morning blog, and thanks for your encouragement. Thanks, Vito, Neill, Jon, et al, for commenting. I'm not done; the weekly deadline simply had to go and this is the week it went.

I’ve met that deadline for just shy of a year. 52 posts seems like a decent archive and a good place for a break. There have been other times in the past year when this post might have appeared but I felt compelled to keep going, that if I dropped the ball I’d miss out on growth that might be just around the corner. I guess we'll see. It may seem ironic that last week's blog post was about perseverance. It was also the least-viewed post in several months, and I’ve only got so much perseverance to go around.

A faint urge to try to rake up something to write about next week remains, but as Emo Philips once said, some days you just don't feel like chewing through the straps.

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Apr 28, 2021

Jack: It's a well-earned pause, methinks. And FWIW, any post I don't read is not an indication of lack of interest. Sometimes there just isn't enough time to fit everything into the day.

Truth be told, of all the stuff that lands in my personal Inbox, the Notification from Howell Fine Pipes is among the very few that elicit anticipated joy. Really.

Besides, I have a backlog of posts that appeared on these pages before I subscribed, every one of which I intend to savor in due time.

So, get thee to that place where The Pressure's Off™, wherever you find it, mon ami. Those of us who value your reflections and musings will still be here..., barring a…

May 05, 2021
Replying to

Well put, Vito. 😊


You know how much I like your musings. But since pressure often hinders creativity, I gladly go along with Vito and will wait patiently for whatever you feel fit for publishing whenever that will be. Until then, your Shorts must do. 😉



Apr 28, 2021

A little break after sustained effort can be rejuvenating.

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